04 City walls, Glubczyce CZ/PL

Type of cache : traditional, difficulty: 2, Terrain: 1,5, size: small

The cache is a part of 10 caches series,  the tour for interesting places of Czech – Polish bordering regions. The final 10th cache “A Krnov treasure” you get when you put the numbers into coordinates which you find in previous caches or you can get them by accomplishing the task at the cache places. A small present is ready for first ten final cache finders. The rest of you, do not feel sad,  you may also take a present – a CWG, until depleted



City Walls


The ramparts of Glubczyce were built in the second half of the 13th centry of clay shale. It involved 19 bastions and 3 town gates. The 3 preserved bastions were built, they are of a refracted arc shape. This is the only example of such ramparts in entire Poland.

hradby     hradby


The most interesting part of the town park arose between Parkova and Cyna Streets by the filling up the second bed of Psina river in 1844. In this part, nearby the Walowa Street, the memorial of the park founder, Doctor Josef Lauffer, was built. The author of the memorial is a sculptor Menzel from Nisa. The memorial was fenced in 1895. Another attraction is a fountain with animals made of stone built between 1911 and 1912, dedicated to Glubczyce town by the brewery owner Eduard Beyer. The memorial “Filozof z lesa” (Philo von Walde) by a famous Silesian folk poet Johannes Reinelt (1858-1906), born in Goluszowice (Kreuzendorf) nearby Głubczyc is also much appreciated. It was made of Silesian marble and granite by Josef Oberth from Jeseník between 1922 and 1923. Behind the memorial, just on the other side of the Parkowa Street, there is a boarding house of integrated secondary schools, focusing on agriculture, built between 1903 and 1904 as a poorhouse. The work of Paul Ondrusch, the mother of God with a child is inscribed into the sandstone on the house frontage.


In 20´s and 30´s of the 20th century, the youngest part of the park arose according to design of the local construction advisor, Paul Klehr. It concerns the part of Powstancow Street to “Svatyně Přemýšlení” (Swiatynia Dumania), than towards the stone summer-house on the west of the town also known as “Hřib”, which then continues northwards to road to Gazdowice.

park      park  


About the cache

In the cache you will find number for the final cache = N.

For more information you can find here.



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