Swimming pool in Kietrz

Address: ul.Kościuszki 14 A, 48-130 Kietrz
GPS position: 50°8′6″N, 18°0′2.002″E
Telephone: +48 774 850 451
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.hydrokankietrz.pl
Budynek Krytej Pływalni w Kietrzu

The facility offers:

-          A large swimming pool (6 lines) of size 25 x 12,5 m, 1,2 – 1,8 m deep

-          A small swimming pool of size 8 x 4,88 m,  0,8 m deep

-          Jacuzzi

-          Sauna

-          Stands – capacity of 75 seats

It is a barrier-free facility.

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