Sanctuary of SV. Josef and Franciscan monastery in Prudnik

Address: Prudnik - Las, ul. Poniatowskiego 5
GPS position: 50°17′43.8″N, 17°34′24.6″E
Contact address: Klasztor Franciszkanów
Telephone: +48 77 406 72 50
Sanktuarium św. Józefa wraz z klasztorem oo. Franciszkanów położone są w prudnickim lesie, na wzniesieniu o nazwie Kozia Góra (317m n.p.m.).

Sanctuary of Sv. Josef and Franciscan monastery in Prudnik are both buildings from the 19th century, situated in surrounding forests at Kozí hora peak (Kozia Góra, 317 m n. m.). It is an ideal praying destination due to its location in a quiet and picturesque area.


Nearby the sanctuary, a Lourdes cave made by Filip Robota at the beginning of the 20th century, a station of cross and a monastic cemetery are situated.


The sanctuary and the monastery are linked with the personality of Polish primas of the millennium - Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, who stayed there for longer than year in 1950´s. Nowadays the monks taking care of the monastery made the cell, where the cardinal spent some months of his life, accessible for public. In the room devoted to the personality of cardinal, the visitors learn about the history of his imprisonment.


There is also a 15 meters high lookout tower from where you can admire the beauty of the local countryside and views to the town and touristic paths.

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