“Sv. Michal Archanděl” Church in Prudnik

Address: Pl. Farny 2, 48-200 Prudnik
GPS position: 50°19′14.16″N, 17°34′47.64″E
Contact address: Biuro Promocji Gminy i Współpracy z Zagranicą
Telephone: +48 77 406 62 63
Website: www.michalprudnik.com.pl
Obecna forma kościoła pochodzi z XVIII wieku i reprezentuje styl późnobarokowy. Jest on położony w miejscu pierwszej prudnickiej świątyni, wzniesionej w roku powstania miasta (1279r.).


The current appearance of the church comes from the 18th century and represents a late Baroque style. The church is situated in the place of the first church in Prudnik, built in 1279).  Bricked, tripartite church with a large gallery inside, connected with chorus and a tower. Very interesting is also an altar with two cherubs and the carving of the Christ. On the rear wall of the presbytery, a baroque picture of “Nanebevzetí Panny Marie” is up.  The sculptures of the church fathers are set around the altar: Sv. Augustyn, Sv. Rehor Veliky, Sv. Jeronym and Sv. Ambroz. The altar of Mary Virgin is very interesting in the church as well as the  pulpit and the standing figure of Jan of Nepomuk.


Photo:. W. Steć, and records of UM in Prudnik

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